What Exactly Would You Say You Do Here?

I get quite a few questions about what I’m doing while we’re living in Bangkok. I don’t have a traditional job, so it’s a little confusing when I list all the things I do to occupy my time. So, here’s a “day in the life” for everyone who was curious.

First, I want to say how fortunate I am Jaci is out there bringing home the bacon. Her job and her career allow me to spend some time while we’re in Thailand pursuing some otherwise difficult or impossible to pursue dream projects. Thanks Jaci!

In answer to the question, I spend most of my time doing three things:

  1. School
  2. MuseaLab.com development work
  3. Daddy-Daughter Ginny Time!

School – UMUC and Georgia Tech

When we first moved here, I finished up an undergraduate degree online at University of Maryland University College. I was awarded a bachelors degree in Computer Science in July 2018. I wrote down some thoughts on that degree here.

After finishing my undergrad degree, I decided to pursue a very exciting opportunity that’s been on my mind since 2014 when the program was announced and covered in the media – the Georgia Tech Online Masters in Computer Science.

The major focus of the program is Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and both of those areas are incredibly interesting to me. Fall 2018 is my first semester at Georgia Tech, and it’s been everything I hoped it would be so far. It’s a top 10 program, and I can definitely see why after only a few weeks so far. I’ll be writing more about the program for those interested in some tech related posts.

MuseaLab.com Development Work

As some of you know, I’ve been working with MuseaLab.com for a couple years now part time, and have been able to devote more time to the project now that I don’t have a full time job. I do all the technology related stuff. Since we moved here I’ve been able to develop an API for our external partners like PicTime and Instaproofs to use so their photographers can offer our product to their customers, and we’re redesigning the entire site as a React front end (javascript) with a Ruby on Rails API backend. I’ll be writing more about that in tech related posts as well.

The company is really taking off, mostly thanks to the incredibly high quality of the work Michael Howard is doing in Nashville. I’m very fortunate my mediocre software is paired with such a fantastic physical product.

If you are a professional photographer, let us print some of your work on each of our papers for $15, you won’t regret it. People absolutely love the prints once they see them.  These are just some of the most recent comments in a group of 60k professional photographers on Facebook.


We’re on the luxury side of the spectrum, but the quality to back up the pricing is there.

Daddy Daughter Time!

The thing I think I’m most excited about is the opportunity to spend more time with Ginny. We have a nanny who takes care of her during the day, but because I’m not tied up in meetings or other office related tasks, I can drop in any time and spend some time with her. I also had the opportunity to take care of her full time for a month or so when we moved here as well as a few days and weeks when we had unexpected child care issues. I feel like I’m more aware of the day to day changes in Ginny’s development than I would be if Jaci and I were both in the 9-5 grind. I’m incredibly lucky to be around her so much during this time in her life.

If you want daily updates on our life with Ginny, we post pictures every day on TinyBeans, an app for friends and family. Just comment here or email me “hello at harrisjbio” and we’ll get you added.

More Posts Coming… Hopefully

We’ve been here almost 9 months now, with few updates for friends and family. I’m going to do my best to post more often as a way to let people know what we’re up to, and I’d love to hear from you by email or comments, whatever works for you. Thanks for reading!