What Exactly Would Ya Say… Ya Do Here

What Exactly Would You Say You Do Here? I get quite a few questions about what I’m doing while we’re living in Bangkok. I don’t have a traditional job, so it’s a little confusing when I list all the things I do to occupy my time. So, here’s a “day in the life” for everyone who was curious. First, I want to say how fortunate I am Jaci is out

Forwarding AWS RDS instance to localhost

First, I’m assuming you’ve got both an EC2 instance and an RDS instance in the same VPC, as mentioned in my article on setting up a Rails application to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk. I’m also assuming you’ve created a .pemkey and downloaded it to connect to this EC2 instance configure an alias in ssh config to connect to the EC2 instance test the ssh config: ssh my_app add this alias

A Jet Set of Months in Bangkok

A Jet (เจ็ด) Set of Months in Bangkok Our first Harris Family Update from Bangkok. Expat life is great so far! I can’t believe it, but the Harris Family has been in Bangkok for about 7 months now, living the expat life in Thailand. Jet (เจ็ด – jet) is seven in Thai. It’s gone by so quickly, and we’ve loved getting to know this wonderful city and country so far!

2018-2019 Master Reading List

Master Reading List 2018-2019 These are the books I’ve read (mostly listened to) over the past couple of years. I’m slowly going back and writing down my thoughts on them just to synthesize all the information. A lot of the Great Courses material is widely varied, and I’m doing my best to summarize that as well. I’ve bolded and highlighted my favorites and most life changing reads/listens. Thoughts on Reading

My Computer Science Degree Review – Master List

What is This? This list is a review of the classes I’ve taken for my degree in computer science. Many self taught programmers don’t have degrees in computer science and might wonder what they’re missing. This list should give you insight into what you can expect if you pursue a degree, and hopefully give you the tools you need to pursue the same material for free on your own. Summary