2018-2019 Master Reading List

Master Reading List 2018-2019 These are the books I’ve read (mostly listened to) over the past couple of years. I’m slowly going back and writing down my thoughts on them just to synthesize all the information. A lot of the Great Courses material is widely varied, and I’m doing my best to summarize that as well. I’ve bolded and highlighted my favorites and most life changing reads/listens. Thoughts on Reading

2016-2017 Master Reading List

Master Reading List 2016-2017 These are the books I’ve read (mostly listened to) over the past couple of years. I’m slowly going back and writing down my thoughts on them just to synthesize all the information. A lot of the Great Courses material is widely varied, and I’m doing my best to summarize that as well. I’ve bolded and highlighted my favorites and most life changing reads/listens. Thoughts on Reading