Forwarding AWS RDS instance to localhost

First, I’m assuming you’ve got both an EC2 instance and an RDS instance in the same VPC, as mentioned in my article on setting up a Rails application to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk. I’m also assuming you’ve created a .pemkey and downloaded it to connect to this EC2 instance configure an alias in ssh config to connect to the EC2 instance test the ssh config: ssh my_app add this alias

Deploying a Rails API to Elastic Beanstalk in 2019

aws eb deploy Create a status controller and route for EB health checks Add route in config/routes: get ‘/ping’ => ‘status#ping’ Create ElasticCache cluster with 1 node, t2.micro or t2.small, 0 replication nodes Create RDS node, postgres, with no multiAZ deployment, General SSD I only use one database per RDS instance, but you could do multiple databases and have an integration and staging environment share the same RDS instance, I’ll