Josh Harris
some of josh's

updates thoughts projects

trying to treat this blog
like a garden
so you'll find lots of scattered seeds here, not necessarily fully formed yet
comments disabled. reach out via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner

An Electron Application Project

Requirements: Desktop applicationDisables InternetUnzips Encrypted FileMonitors internet connection to ensure disabledRezips Encrypted FileRe-enable Internet Connection

Learnings from using the Twilio API, Twilio Programmable Chat, Conversations

Notes from deploying a chat management app: User Interacts via: FB Page (FB Messenger), LINE, App User Cannot Interact via: Instagram (no API access to messages) Two Architecture Options Architecture:

Asian Koel Sounds

A terribly annoying bird was outside our window in Bangkok, waking us up at 3am and going well into the morning. After some googling, found out it was an Asian

What Exactly Would Ya Say… Ya Do Here

What Exactly Would You Say You Do Here? I get quite a few questions about what I'm doing while we're living in Bangkok. I don't have a traditional job, so

Importing Extended Validation SSL Certificate from GoDaddy into Amazon Certificate Manager, AWS ACM (2019)

Update: Do not purchase Extended Validation Certificates in 2019 At this point, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari do not provide additional information for EV Certificates, you should stick with either free

Toddler Activities – ABCs and Counting

These blogs have terrible formatting, here's a list of activities for toddlers with a brief description and a link to the original blog Pasta Play (Motor) Stick

Who will we pay for streaming?

Disney bought out Comcast to take full ownership of Hulu, so I thought I would take a look at who we'll be paying in a couple of years when the

Forwarding AWS RDS instance to localhost

First, I'm assuming you've got both an EC2 instance and an RDS instance in the same VPC, as mentioned in my article on setting up a Rails application to deploy

Deploying a Rails API to Elastic Beanstalk in 2019

aws eb deploy Create a status controller and route for EB health checks class StatusController < ApplicationController def ping render json: nil, status: :ok end end Add route in config/routes:

Setting up Flutter v1.2 for development in 2019 (as if it was installed by Homebrew)

Following instructions from Google on how to install Flutter is great, but I also want it to work like all my other dev tools. Because Flutter does not have a

Setting Up a New Rails Project in 2019

I might eventually turn this into a template but for now just keeping notes for myself On Github: Create Github repo, do NOT initialize with README, get ssh for project.

The ELK Stack v7.0 on ec2, Rails, and ElasticBeanstalk

4 steps in the process: Create ec2 instance for Elasticsearch and Kibana, validate networking settingsInstall ELK oss versions on ec2 instance (no Logstash, just Elasticsearch and Kibana)Set up logging on

A Jet Set of Months in Bangkok

A Jet (เจ็ด) Set of Months in Bangkok Family Pic Krabi March 2018 Our first Harris Family Update from Bangkok. Expat life is great so far!

Protected: List of Personal Thoughts

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2018 Tech Projects Master List

The List These are projects I've worked on and want to do write ups on in the near future, in no particular order: Slate and Middleman in Rails 5 Electron

2018-2019 Master Reading List

Master Reading List 2018-2019 These are the books I've read (mostly listened to) over the past couple of years. I'm slowly going back and writing down my thoughts on them

My Computer Science Degree Review – Master List

What is This? This list is a review of the classes I've taken for my degree in computer science. Many self taught programmers don't have degrees in computer science and

2017 Tech Projects Master List

The List These are projects I've worked on and want to do write ups on in the near future, in no particular order: AWS Solutions Architect Certification AWS Certified Developer

2016-2017 Master Reading List

Master Reading List 2016-2017 These are the books I've read (mostly listened to) over the past couple of years. I'm slowly going back and writing down my thoughts on them

Protected: Thoughts on Best Picture Nominees 2018

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